Status ; Hey Bonjour readers =)
second semester ;)
Sunday, June 20, 2010 | 6:24 AM | 0 Rain[s]
huarghhhh set mind for tomorrow. NO PROBLEM for tomorrow but i think i wanna make a change. yes a change. A freedom that i got its not to be wasted. so go on it girl! My mum told me that i should quit from playing games. left for dead tournament its around the corner. ahh i wished i could join it but i cant. i hope next year have another l4d tournament again. heeeyyyaaaah! action-ka-man b-b-b-b!! 3:) gege!

You've Stuck =D

Hi! Hello. My name? find it if u curious. I'm 20. Jyeah! I spill almost all my random thoughts here. I believe that you are what you eat and what you read.

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