Status ; Hey Bonjour readers =)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | 11:33 PM | 0 Rain[s]

“I will never go into Form6”,that was what im thinking in the year passed.Form 6 its not that bad even some of my friend told me that im going to be a nerd and memorize all tons of fact, im not going to care about that. I will endure it even if it takes me to through a thousand hell,l’ll do it for sure. Reading is what im good at ,after all because I dumb in math =D . I’ve been thinking a lot since I didn’t perform well in my spm. I study accounts at dawn  with Athirah and  take the exam a few hours later  then I got E. They studies accounts almost everyday and every month and they got the same grade as me.

You've Stuck =D

Hi! Hello. My name? find it if u curious. I'm 20. Jyeah! I spill almost all my random thoughts here. I believe that you are what you eat and what you read.

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