Status ; Hey Bonjour readers =)
Today Worklist!
Friday, June 17, 2011 | 8:43 PM | 0 Rain[s]
Tarik nafas panjang-panjang.....

Pagi, Tengahari & Petang
Paku Iklan kat rumah arwah Ayah
Basuh baju and sidai
Buat kek 
Business Essay 
Hanta Teh Ais Rahmah
Kemas Bilik

History Note
Econs Note 
Read the Smile book 
Blogging kejap
Before 12 must be On Bed

Hembus perlahan-lahan....

You've Stuck =D

Hi! Hello. My name? find it if u curious. I'm 20. Jyeah! I spill almost all my random thoughts here. I believe that you are what you eat and what you read.

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