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Bag packing
Saturday, December 29, 2012 | 9:44 AM | 0 Rain[s]
Salam sejahtera.
So far hidup kat tanah Garuda ni.agak mencabar. Compared to other places I've been this time its really different, it just like phase by phase. Firstly memang planned it is a bagpacking and it is till now. Me with my bagpack and with a handbag. Its cool! First phase not consider as bag packing coz we stay in a well and clean environment tapi dari minggu ke minggu we move place to another place. If i told you, u wont be able to imagine how i am now. Apepun I learnt alot about life and sedikit sebanyak dapat reda kan luka. Whatever it is I have to prepare myself to be in the next level. The beginning of it I expect to be tough so I have to prepare physically and mentally. Em to my friend yang kadang2 hanta im,tweet or whtsoever i missed you guys. I really meant it,i just need time. Im deeply and badly injured. I need time. Im just not in a mood to talk and being very secretive lately. Im sorry, I love you guys. Just take care okay. Im gonna text you when Im back.

You've Stuck =D

Hi! Hello. My name? find it if u curious. I'm 20. Jyeah! I spill almost all my random thoughts here. I believe that you are what you eat and what you read.

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